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Environmental & Safety Conference

October 15, 2024 - October 16, 2024


Tuesday, October 15, 2024 - Wednesday, October 16, 2024


8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

Early Bird Discount Deadline

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Registration Deadline

Tuesday, October 15, 2024


Environmental & Safety Conference Event Image

The Mississippi Manufacturers Association's Environmental & Safety Conference is Wednesday, October 16th in Starkville with a reception on the evening of Tuesday, October 15th. 

EXHIBITOR INFORMATION, including road case delivery address, is in this link.


Tuesday, October 15

5:00 p.m. – 7:00 - Reception and Exhibit Hall Open

Heavy hors d’oeuvres, beer & wine

5:30 - Cornhole tournament hosted by Montrose Environmental

Wednesday, October 16

7:00 a.m – 8:00 - Exhibit Hall Open, Registration, Breakfast

8:00 – 8:15Welcome and Introductions

John McKay, MMA President & CEO

8:15 – 9:00Keynote Address: Economic Development and the Regulatory Environment in Mississippi

Bill Cork, Executive Director – Mississippi Development Authority

9:00 – 9:30Proactive PFAS Management and a Framework for Navigating the PFAS Minefield

John Ryan, Principal Scientist – Allen Engineering and Science

9:30 – 10:00Break, Exhibit Hall Open

10:00 – 10:45MDEQ Update

Mike Freiman - MDEQ

10:45 – 11:30TBD

11:30 – 1:00 p.m.Lunch, Exhibit Hall Open

1:00 – 2:15Lessons Learned and How to Prep for an OSHA Inspection

Courtney Bohannon, Director – Mississippi OSHA

2:15 – 2:45 – Break

2:45 – 3:45Sacket/Waters of the State Discussion

Chris Wells, Executive Director – MDEQ

3:45 – 4:30 Oil Spill Rule for Hazardous Substances

Gary Rikard – Butler Snow




Registration Fees

Exhibitor (includes $500 1-year membership, 2 reg)
Early Standard Late
Platinum Sponsorship Only (no event registration)
Early Standard Late
Exhibitor (8x10 booth, includes two registrations)
Early Standard Late
Platinum Sponsorship Only (No Event Registration)
Early Standard Late
Non-Member Registration -includes 1 yr. membership
Early Standard Late
Exhibitor (8x8 booth, includes two registrations)
Early Standard Late
Gold Sponsorship Only (no event registration)
Early Standard Late
Gold Sponsorship Only (No Event Registration)
Early Standard Late
Silver Sponsorship Only (No Event Registration)
Early Standard Late
Silver Sponsorship Only (no event registration)
Early Standard Late
MMA Member Registration
Early Standard Late
Bronze Sponsorship Only (no event registration)
Early Standard Late
Bronze Sponsorship Only (No Event Registration)
Early Standard Late
Hotel/Meal Package


  Registration Names Sold Out! 0 Slots Left


NameOrganizationSpeaking At

Continuing Education


Courtyard Starkville MSU at The Mill Conference Center
