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Tuesday, April 16, 2024

MMA Co-Signs Letter to Speaker of the House Jason White in Support of Improved Healthcare

JACKSON - The Mississippi Manufacturers Association (MMA), the Mississippi Economic Council (MEC), and the Business and Industry Political Education Committee (BIPEC), co-signed a letter to Speaker of the House Jason White in support of Medicaid expanison.

The letter, signed by MMA President & CEO John McKay, MEC President & CEO Scott Waller, and BIPEC President & CEO Derek Easley, reads in part:

"Access to healthcare is not just about individual health, but about the well-being of our entire community. It means a healthier population, a healthier workforce, and an improved quality of life, all of which contribute to stronger Mississippi communities.

"Ensuring a healthy workforce is vital to economic development. We trust our elected officials and state agencies to use federal dollars responsibly to invest in critical infrastructure, promote education and workforce training, and maintain a balanced regulatory framework that all promote economic development. Let's give our hospitals and healthcare experts the same opportunity so hard-working Mississippians will benefit."

To read the entire letter, click here.