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MMA-MEP Success Story: K&K Systems

TJ Werre 0 400

PALMETTO - The intricate electrical composition of K&K Systems' offerings necessitates a comprehensive understanding of electrical assembly techniques to circumvent quality discrepancies. Implementing a training program for the manufacturing staff encompassing fundamental electrical and electronic principles was pivotal.

Six Industrial Properties Earn Cooperative Energy SiteInvest Premier Property Designation

TJ Werre 0 337

HATTIESBURG - Cooperative Energy proudly announces that six industrial properties have been awarded the prestigious SiteInvest Premier Property designation, recognizing readiness and potential for industrial development. This designation places the industrial sites among the top-tier properties in the state, a testament to Cooperative Energy’s commitment to economic growth and development.

Kirk Lewis Named MMA Chairman of the Board

TJ Werre 0 655

JACKSON – Kirk Lewis, President of Blue Springs Metals, LLC in Blue Springs, was named the Mississippi Manufacturers Association’s Chairman of the Board for 2024-2025. He is the first African American to hold this position at MMA.

MEP Success Story: Western Container

TJ Werre 0 375

JACKSON - Western Container faced the challenges of a the tight post-COVID labor market. They were unable to hire externally for the position of maintenance techs in the blow mold maintenance and injections maintenance departments.
